Share Your Story

Anonymously share a crazy story or memorable experience you had at Le Clan.
New stories will be hidden and published after approval to protect the reputation of the venue and the friends of Le Clan.

  • never ending night 🙂

    Desperately trying to fit and light the moon above its mat…

    – “shyguy”

  • Too many nights and mornings

    Hard to choose just one story. Too many good memories, and by far my best memories of Prague. I remember the enchanting feeling every time I walked down Le Clan’s stairs, stepping into another world hidden, secret, that was ours  ready to let myself be carried away by encounters and conversations 💜

    – “Laurie”

  • With LoVe

    25 let
    300 měsíců
    1302 týdnů
    9125 dnů
    219 000 hodin
    13 140 000 minut
    788 400 000 vteřin
    Přála bych si být na samém začátku a tvořit toto mistrovské dílo od prvního dne.
    Mám tolik zážitků a vybrat si jen jeden je nemožné. Bohužel.
    Děkuji za vše. Byla to jízda. A doufám, že to ještě bude hardvolecorevole.
    Your R.

    Let’s party Bit*es !!!!

    – “Bumerang”

  • Snitches got stiches

    Rule number one: what happens in Le Clan stays in Le Clan!

    – “Luc Robin”

  • Inclusif AF

    You want to know what beeing inclusif really mean?
    Mix a Jewish bartender with a Muslim DJ wearing a jelabba during the Gay Pride!
    And that’s why I love this place, you can be who you are.

    – “Uncle Diallo”

  • Stolen 📱 maybe not!!

    Just like every after-party at Leclan, the place was filled with all kinds of people having a great time—some were dancing, others were chatting, and a few lovebirds were making out. It was all good vibes.

    But not everyone comes to unwind and enjoy. Some people are driven by darker intentions. One of them was a guy who stole a phone from an unsuspecting young woman. Unfortunately for him, she quickly realized it was missing and reported it.

    Perhaps because he had a history of theft, he panicked at the thought of being searched. So, he approached me, asking me to hold onto the phone and return it to him outside.

    Given my deep connection to Leclan, its owner, and the people there, I chose to do the right thing—I returned the phone and exposed what had happened.

    As you can imagine, things didn’t end well for him.

    The moral of the story? Be kind and have a pure heart—you’ll earn the respect of others.

    – “CJ”

  • Office Time

    I’m lucky to have Clemence like a close friend, well lucky depend 🙂 the problem of Le Clan it’s you know at what time you get in but never know at what time you get out! And worth when you spend the night in the office.

    The office is for me the best playground in Prague. It’s a lot of magic boxes in this office with a lot of outfits and different games and I can tell you I try all of them.
    One of the best nights was when I was celebrating my bday and with one of my English girlfriends we play and finish mostly nude at the end.

    But for more detail you had to be there

    – “Fred”

  • I love super woman

    That night i was with some friend to the club and my friends was looking for some girls and we decide to have a look to the professional one next door. at the office was a super woman costume and i take it and went to the place next door then back to le clan and finish all night with my super woman outfit and meet wonderful people

    – “fred”

  • A forever client

    There certainly have been countless memorable nights in Le Clan over the years. One night stuck with me though- it was great- we spent it in different loacations of the club, having chats and laughs as always. By today I still dont know where the hours went, but suddenly I was offered by Clemence herself to move to the table behind the bar. I thought no probs, lets just go there. Next thing I hear is Clem coming to us and very politely announcing that the last drink is on her but she is going home… First I was confused, as I absolutely never saw her going home, but quickly I realised the time it was and also that we were the very last ones in the club. I guess I did not want to see that the night has ended 🙂

    – ” Martin with love “

  • Le Clan and the experiences lived there

    Le Clan isn’t just a club, it’s a world of its own. Every night there felt like stepping into a surreal adventure, where anything could happen and often did. The mix of people, artists, misfits, and weirdo’s made every conversation unexpected and every moment unique. It was a place where reality blurred with fantasy, and the energy was always electric. No other spot in Prague ever matched the unpredictable magic of Le Clan.

    – ” JDFC “

  • Upír

    Dotočná Blade II, mám za úkol pouštět pouze filmaře ze seznamu a členy klubu. Temnou ulicí přichází ošklivý vysoký muž v dlouhem koženém kabátě a čepici. Říkám ochrance: Vypadá jako vrah a že má pod kabátem sekeru. NEPOUŠTĚT! On telefonuje a v zápětí přibíhá produkční a vysvětluje že jsem se vlastně tolik nemýlil. Byl to Ron Perlman, hlavní záporná role.

    – ” Vatzlaf “

  • Stuck in toilet on NYE

    A funny little story happened to me at Le Clan for New Year’s Eve. Minutes before midnight, a very urgent need… I rushed to the toilet. But then, panic quickly set in. The door got totally stuck. Me, trapped inside! Then, I hear everyone shouting “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” And there I am, stuck in the bathroom like an idiot! I try to call Clemence. Finally…

    Clemence: “Allan, where are you?!”

    Me: “Dear, I’m stuck in the stall!”

    Clemence: “AHAHAHAHA! Allan is stuck in the toilet!”

    This little story will stay with me forever. We still laugh about it every New Year’s Eve. Now at midnight, I avoid the toilets… just in case!

    – ”Allan”

  • Help me!

    25 years of memories in le Clan

    Too many stories to write and I m little bit lazy so help me!:)

    – ”Clem”

  • The Dance Battle Debacle

    It all started when this guy challenged me to a dance battle at Le Clan. I thought, “Why not? I’ve got some moves.” What I didn’t realize was that he was the reigning champ of the underground breakdancing scene. He starts spinning on his head like a human Beyblade, and I panicked. My only move was the worm, but I hadn’t done it since middle school. I threw myself to the floor, started flopping like a fish, and my pants split right down the middle. The other customers went wild, but not for the reason I hoped. I’m now banned from all dance-offs… forever. =) but not at Le Clan!

    — “Worm Willie”

  • The Mysterious Martini Mishap

    I was at Le Clan, having a great time, when I spotted this gorgeous, mysterious-looking girl at the bar. I decided to go all James Bond and ordered a martini—shaken, not stirred. As I leaned in to say something suave, someone bumped into me, and the martini flew out of my hand, perfectly arcing in the air… and landed right on her face. She was soaked, and I panicked, blurting out, “Well, now you’re shaken, not stirred.” She stared at me, grabbed a bottle of water, poured it over my head, and walked away. Next time, I’m sticking to beer.

    — “Soaked Sean”

  • Souvenirs de Mucho 2001

    Le Clan c est le diable qui me le doit!:)

    – ”Clem”

  • Souvenirs de Lubos 2002

    What is the difference between le clan’s friends and E.T ?

    E.T goes home 🙂

    – ”Clem”

  • The Glitter Incident

    I thought it’d be fun to go to Le Clan dressed in full-on 80s glam rock style. I’m talking sequins, platform boots, and glitter—lots of glitter. I’m at the bar, feeling like a star, when this guy bumps into me and spills his drink all over my sparkly ensemble. In a moment of glitter-fueled rage, I reached into my bag, pulled out a packet of glitter, and threw it in his face like some kind of twisted fairy godmother. Turns out, he was the DJ’s brother. Long story short, I spent the rest of the night sweeping glitter off the dance floor.

    — “Glitter Gary”

  • The Karaoke King Who Wasn’t

    A Thursday Night, my friends dared me to sing karaoke at Le Clan. I’m no singer, but with a few drinks in me, I thought I could nail “Bohemian Rhapsody.” I got up there, and halfway through the song, I realized I only knew the first line. Instead of stopping, I just kept repeating “Is this the real life?” over and over again, like some existential crisis on loop. People thought it was some kind of performance art, and the next thing I know, they start throwing napkins at me like I’m at a Greek wedding. Safe to say, I’m retiring from my short-lived karaoke career.

    — “Tone-Deaf Tony”

  • The Disco Jacket Disaster

    So, there I was at Le Clan, trying to impress this girl by showing off my dance moves. I decided to wear my “lucky” disco jacket—you know, the one that lights up and flashes to the beat. Everything was going great until the strobe lights hit just right, and my jacket started glitching like a disco ball on steroids. Suddenly, it looked like I was being abducted by aliens, and I freaked out, yelling, “Not today, ET!” Turns out, my jacket had short-circuited, and I ended up looking like a human sparkler in the middle of the dance floor. The girl? She left with a guy wearing a plain white tee. Guess I learned my lesson: sometimes less is more.

    — “Flashing Freddie”

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